Photo "Begonia" Copyright © Paolo Campisi, Sicilian Family Productions,
All Rights Reserved
Give Your Heart Away
(A Song & A Dream)
For Larisa Zotova
Be still and know He has given you all you need.
Until the day He's with you just believe.
The kind of love you're looking for,
He wants to give it to you and much more.
Though you might feel your heart has gone astray
He said He will never leave you, and to pray.
But first you'll have to give your heart away,
until the day you give your heart away.
Inside your heart, He knows that you have needs,
He knows just how to fill them, how to please.
The very things your heart is looking for,
He knows how to close and open every door.
Though you feel you'll never see the day,
remember that he told us all to pray.
Until that day, just give your heart away,
to Jesus Christ, give your heart away.
P. J. Campise